Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Well it's Snowing...

It snowed! :D It was really exciting!  Then it snowed again.  and again.   Then it got cold. Can you feel the excitement diminishing? However it made for a great conversation starter, "So, what do you think of the snow?" I've gotten a wide range of answers, there were two answers that reached the two ends of the spectrum however. It's dandruff falling from the sky and it's angels feathers falling...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blessings through Others

One of my greatest joys on my mission is being a tool in the Lord's hands of blessing another's life and being an answer to prayers. Time and time again we have been in the right place at the right time, very far from coincidence. We were tracting at one point and knocked on someones door. She answered and didn't seem too interested in our message so we offered our help and she was taken back a bit. She told us that she had huge stones she...

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Eternal Families

My second day in Canandaigua I met a recent convert and he touched me with his testimony. I leaned over to my companion and mentioned that we should really try to teach his mom. 6 months later: And what even was more miraculous:     The recent convert, her son, baptized her.   The whole journey has been miracle after miracle and the many missionaries that brought them through the sites on tours and the many who met...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hope, Even When All Hope is Lost

I was sitting in church and was trying not to be discouraged as none of the people that the missionaries had been teaching came that Sunday. About half way through the first meeting my attention was diverted as someone came and sat down next to the missionaries in front of us. One of the missionaries leaned back and asked us to save the seat  next to us so when their investigator came, he would have a place to sit. I was stunned. It...

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Famine in our Lives

The most memorable moment in the MTC was that first evening. They had 50+ missionaries all in one classroom teaching one person. We all have had been missionaries for only a few hours and we were expected to work together to teach a person the Gospel of Christ that we have a testimony of. I didn't know what to say. I grew up living this gospel and I honestly could not come up with an answer to this person's questions. I wouldn't say I was...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fast Sunday Miracle

Once a month the LDS church has fast Sunday, in which we don't eat or drink for 24 hours or two meals. As a kid I tended to dread fast Sundays because of the torturous pantry that would taunt me all day. However being out on a mission it has changed my view quite dramatically. This last Sunday was fast Sunday and I made it a point, the night before, to kneel down and begin my fast with a true heart and a reason to fast. With those I'm fasting...