Friday, November 11, 2016

No Unhallowed Hand Will Stop the Work

Man has it been a crazy political climate!

You have people hating each other,

yelling at each other,

and ultimately worsening relationships,

and burning bridges.

This isn't anything a politician is doing,

we're doing it to ourselves.

I think we're doing it,

because we are freaking out and panicking.

I invite you to take a step back and think about your day,

do you still have an apartment?

a bed?

a family?

(insert thing that matters to you here)?

Then take a deep breath and realize that it will be okay.

There's a concept from business, mostly accounting,

that we should all apply to our lives.

When trying to make a decision,

you never consider the sunk costs.


Because they already happened and there is nothing,

I repeat,


you can do about them.

It forces us to look forward and ask,

so what are we going to do about it?

Now, I'm going to get spiritual.

God is still your Heavenly Father,

and Christ is still your Savior.

As He inspired one of His prophets to say,

"No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing.

Persecutions may rage...

Mobs may combine...

but the truth of God will go forth boldy and nobly."

It really will, no matter who's president.

Take a step back and recognize what really matters,

and begin to love others again.


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