Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Missionaries for YOU, YES YOU!

All of the new products coming out are all about giving the customer something that is aimed to them personally. Businesses are all about customer service and catering to the needs of the customer. Well guess what else is catered and here just for you? Missionaries! :D We dedicate 2 years of our lives to come and be your missionaries, yes YOUR missionaries. We are here for you! How personal is that? No matter how hot! No...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saying Goodbye's

As a missionary we get to call home on Christmas and Mother's day, so it being Christmas this last week, I Skyped home!!!! The hardest part about the whole call was saying goodbye. I really really really REALLY don't like saying goodbyes! (I'm not going anywhere, so this isn't a creative way of saying goodbye, just got to get that out of the way.) Before I came out on a mission I was sharing my dislike of goodbyes and they came up with a good...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Am I on a Mission?

My last companion, Elder Willis, always said something that I loved and find myself saying now, "Are we on our missions?" It really hit me every time he said it, heck yah I'm on my mission!! And how epicly cool is that? No matter how hard the time we were going through at that point I couldn't help but smile. I was on a mission. Did I really have a reason to be discouraged? When we fully grasp where we are and who we are, do we really...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

'Tis the Season (Christmas Post)

Christmas time!!! This is my first Christmas away from my family. As I put up a mini Christmas tree and put up lights I couldn't help but miss putting up the lights with my brother back at home. Fun story, We would put up the lights on the edge of the roof that had a big drop off if we were to slip. Being the natural geniuses we are, we came up with this idea: The way the house came to a point, the cord/trusting rope would have stopped me...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

People in our lives

It's great how the Lord put's us with people for a reason. We all are unique and each were made differently. Think about how many people have lived on this earth and will still live, none of them are the same! Think about how many people you interact with compared to the insanely huge number of total people who will live on this earth. You are meant to be with those around you. It's part of God's divine plan! His Plan of Happiness includes...