The experience of humankind's unity with God, exemplified by Jesus Christ.
The word atone means to reconcile, or to restore to harmony. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be reconciled to our Heavenly Father. -True to the Faith
Because of the wrong choices we all make
We are no longer in harmony with our Heavenly Father.
However, through Jesus Christ, we can return to Him,
and once again be in Harmony with God.
Ever since I was little I was taught that through Jesus Christ we can have our sins washed away.
I remember a specific time when I was worried about death.
What if I didn't repent of everything I did right before I died?
I sure hoped God told me when I was going to die so I could repent of any sins I forgot of in the five minutes before I passed on to the next life.
Then the next thought hit me,
Never have I had the best memory,
How would I remember every sin I committed?
Kneeling down I asked to be forgiven of every sin that I have forgotten
A warm enveloping feeling covered me and I knew I had been forgiven.
Quickly, I learned that the Atonement forgives all of our shortcomings
As long as we are giving our best to God.
Not only does the Atonement forgive our shortcomings,
the Atonement makes them up.
He doesn't ask for perfection in this life, rather progression towards perfection.
We will never comprehend in this life exactly what the Atonement fully means and exactly how it works.
However we can continue to learn exactly what it means to us in times of sorrow
in times of hardships
and especially in times when feelings of unworthiness sweep over us.
Use our loving Savior's gift in your life.
Find out what the Atonement means to YOU.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen