As missionaries we play basketball all the time.
And when I say all the time,
I mean every free moment that we could possibly play,
we play basketball.
At one point there was a missionary who became frustrated because they couldn't play quite up to what they wanted.
They never seemed to be able to win!
I watched as they practiced shooting the ball over and over again and improving,
but slowly.
Walking up to them I pointed out the red square above the basket.
Relaying how that can be used to aim to make the ball in the basket,
they were surprised and tried using it.
They then made 10+ shots without missing.
A couple of weeks later the missionary was able to beat the rest of the missionaries
and come out on top!
The goal they had set was accomplished!
How many times do we find ourselves frustrated at the lack of improvement?
Do we find ourselves trying time and time again to better ourselves,
but only to find the ball continuing to miss the basket?
That square behind the hoop is the key to improving and accomplishing our goal.
Heavenly Father has given us this square!
We are blessed to be here on this earth at a time when Prophets of God have been called once again!
Just a recently we were able to hear from the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson,
and from Twelve Apostles of the Lord!
I am here to tell you that the secret to being happy and improving this life,
is listening to the prophets that are on the earth today.
God loves his children and once again speaks through his messengers, just like in Biblical times.
Read their messages
and find the red square and your key to reaching your goals.
I can testify that Christ lives!
Their is a special spirit this time of year as we near the time when He rose from the tomb,
and lived again so that we all can overcome death and come unto Him.
He is the Christ
and the Son of God.
I close in his name, Jesus Christ, Amen.