Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Red Square

As missionaries we play basketball all the time. And when I say all the time, I mean every free moment that we could possibly play, we play basketball. At one point there was a missionary who became frustrated because they couldn't play quite up to what they wanted. They never seemed to be able to win! I watched as they practiced shooting the ball over and over again and improving, but slowly. Walking up to them I pointed out the red...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


There is an incredible spirit that follows music. It can break barriers and touch people's hearts in ways that nothing else on this earth can. The question is how it touches us. Recently I was at the church building and someone sat down next to me at the piano. He began playing a familiar hymn I matched his melody with supporting arpeggios and chords and it all came together in an instant. We hit the last note and both looked at...