A Woman: An adult human female,
a female worker or employee,
a wife, girlfriend, or lover. –definition from Google.
A Woman: An adult female person,
a daughter, of God. –definition from LDS scriptures.
Which definition do you prefer?
While reading the New Testament,
I was once again surprised at how Christ refers to his
“Woman, behold thy son!” –John 19:26
If I referred to my mom like that…
Well we wont share what would happen.
Is Christ disrespectful towards women?
The answer is an ecstatic NO!
Christ defended women.
Whether it was his mom or a woman living in adultery,
He referred to them as Woman,
and this is because He saw them as they really are,
daughters of God.
In today’s world being called a woman is offensive,
Because it’s sexist,
And rude!
When did this change happen?
Christ knew what the word mean to him,
And we all need to follow His example.
A Woman is not only a lover, coworker, or employee,
but a daughter of
Never forget your identity or the identity of the women
around you.
Don’t let the world change it into something to be ashamed
Woman: a daughter of God.