In a youth stake meeting, President Mortimer whom is in the stake presidency, said a line that has really stuck with me since,
"Don't let the test deter the decision."
Deciding to go on a mission was a decision I made a long time ago, however the test didn't come until right before I left.
I can look back now and see every test that the adversary threw my way. I have never been tested more in my life then right before I had to walk through those doors into the Missionary Training Center.
Satan knows us very well, and knows what choices we are going to make.
He's been doing this since the beginning of time and then some.
He knows the power that we have and how minute his power is in comparison. He wants to take away our freedom of choice.
When we make a righteous choice, he tries his hardest.
Be conscious of the reality of Satan, and also know and study the reality of Christ who died for us and his grace.
His grace is sufficient for us to get through any test and stay true to the decision we know is right.
Do the program: Read. Pray. Take the Sacrament.
There will be tests, but there are always promised blessings to the righteous. Satan's power is pathetic to the power we are blessed with through God's grace, and his Son's grace.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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