Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Boogers or Kit-Kats?

We had the opportunity to teach Elder's Quorum this last Sunday and with it had an object lesson. We had two volunteers and two cups with different candies in it. The first was a candy that looked like boogers:  and the second was a Kit-Kat bar: We gave the one volunteer the first cup with the boogers in it and told him to convince the other volunteer to eat whatever is in that cup. As he struggled to describe the "boogers" in the cup...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Things Unseen

When I was attending BYU-Idaho, I had the privilege to have my brother come out and visit me! He came right after a snowfall so we decided to go sledding on the sand dunes (which were bigger than any hill we had in Wisconsin.) Finding a well trodden path we jumped on the sled. I watched them go down and glanced over my shoulder to see a completely untouched side of the dune. I set my sled in the snow, pushed off, and flew down the hill. I...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Can I See Your Permit?

Walking through a town we saw a man whom we had taught before. We sat down and were helping him understand some verses in the Bible since he had trouble comprehending. As we sat there the man who owned the house walked up and asked if we had a permit. Confused I asked what he meant? He explained that in this town we had to have a permit to do things like we were doing... Realizing that I had a certificate in my pocket I pulled it out and...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blessings in Disguise (Part 2)

For those of you who haven't read part 1, click here. My body immediately went into shock so I don't know if the stick broke off or if I broke it off, but nonetheless, there was a stick stuck up my nose. I immediately called out for my brother and he came rushing back. I didn't know who was freaking out more, him or I! After making a phone call to my Mom and trying to explain the situation, she said she would meet us there. I managed to...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Don't Even Go There (Part 1)

Any story that starts out with my brother and I can never be good, but here it goes! My brother and I were biking through the woods at a nearby park. We got to this huge hill and we both just went for it. At the bottom of the hill it curved off to the right and we both barely made the turn and thought it was the coolest thing ever. So we did it again. I got to the top of the hill and decided there's no way I was going to try that again....

Monday, October 7, 2013

Seeing things as they really are

It was a beautiful day outside and we had the chance to teach a lesson out on the lawn. Mason had his dog running around and I couldn't help but smile as it spazzed out and ran in circles like dogs do. The dog finally chilled out so I averted my attention from the dog to the lesson. Mason starts laughing and I look at my companion who has a huge smile on his face, I looked down and saw that my bag was wet. I laughed and asked if the dog licked...