Thursday, October 10, 2013

Don't Even Go There (Part 1)

Any story that starts out with my brother and I can never be good, but here it goes!

My brother and I were biking through the woods at a nearby park. We got to this huge hill and we both just went for it. At the bottom of the hill it curved off to the right and we both barely made the turn and thought it was the coolest thing ever.

So we did it again.

I got to the top of the hill and decided there's no way I was going to try that again. I watched my brother go down and waited until he was out of sight, then I walked my bike half way down the hill.

I still didn't feel like it was a good idea but I did it before, and I was half way down this hill so it would be easier and safer!

I jumped on my bike and as I got to the bottom I realized I wasn't going to make the turn.

I went into the forest and cringed as I saw a downed log right in front of me.

I prepared myself, my bike hit the long, and I supermanned over the handle bars of my bike landing on my hands and knees.

I didn't get one scratch, except...

A stick went straight up my nose.

The rest of the story is going to be told in the next post ;)

I knew that going down that hill wasn't a good idea. However I ignored that feeling as I watched my brother do it.

I still didn't just go crazy after that, I did a little part to make it safer, and then went down the hill anyways.

I knew I shouldn't have done it and I found out why!

When we feel something in life and we receive the prompting to not do it, then DON'T!

Even if you feel you can make it through, or make it a bit "safer."

Satan is the king of rationalizing. Don't rationalize.

Just don't do it.

Be in tune enough to receive the promptings and have the courage to follow them to the letter.

Seek, Knock, Ask

and then Act.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

(Stay tuned for part 2 :D)
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