Thursday, December 8, 2016


Sitting in my kitchen across from my wife,

she starts talking about her day.

These conversations usually aren't the normal ones

most couples have.

Then again, what conversations are?

My wife is involved with writing news radio shows for her job,

involving her reading the news four hours a day,

and she is an English major and reads literature all day.

Needless to say, she has a lot going through her head.

Which makes these conversations that I love that much more interesting.

She told me about an author who pointed out that most swear words,

are pointed towards women.

Words like slut, whore or skank, would you ever say those towards a man?

There are very few, if any (my knowledge of current swear words is lacking)

that are specific towards men.

Our derogatory words that we call each other are degrading women.

I wish that was the only thing in our society that did such a thing.

It is impossible not to be touched by this way of thinking.

To keep it out of our lives we need to constantly be aware of it,

and combat against it to keep our mind clear.

I couldn't imagine where I would be without the women in my life.

I know God loves them equally also.

Christ spent his whole life surrounded by his disciples,

apostles and others.

Many were women, but when it came to His apostles He only called men.

Therefore, we can assume women didn't have a role in his ministry right?

Absolutely not!

Mary and Martha are the most spoken of disciples, in the bible, that are women.

They had some major parts in His ministry.

Most importantly Mary was the first to witness Christ in His resurrected form.

I love this.

It makes all of us men get of our high horse.

As most of us can agree, behind every great man is a great woman.

We need to be careful to not put women on the back burner of society.

They are essential to everyone becoming the children that God wishes us to be.

Take time and thank the women around you, today.

We wouldn't be where we are if it wasn't for them.

Look hard enough, and you'll agree. 

Monday, December 5, 2016




It's the time of year,

when Christ actually is kind of,

the center of our society.

However, as everything in the word,

it has been skewed enough to make it so a person

can go throughout the whole season and not think of Christ once.

Not think of Christ, during CHRISTmas.

Incredible right?

But effort can be made to bring it around to what really matters,

but this has to happen individually.

We know society isn't going to do it,

so we need to do it.

Christ's life, including his birth,

is miraculous.

Christ always aimed towards his Father in Heaven.

Even in death, He forgave those around Him,

and loved them.

When Christ was presented in front of the Jews by Pilate,

Pilate asked who he should set free.

The Jews released Barrabas, a murderer and a thief,

instead of Christ.

Makes you not like Barrabas right?

Well think for a second,

aren't we all Barrabas?

Aren't we set free because Christ stepped in?

This Christmas,

don't just give someone your heart,

give everyone part of the love you have,

in memory of He who gave everyone in the universe love.

Put a smile on,


and have a truly,

Merry Christmas.