Wednesday, December 4, 2013

People in our lives

It's great how the Lord put's us with people for a reason.

We all are unique and each were made differently.

Think about how many people have lived on this earth and will still live, none of them are the same!

Think about how many people you interact with compared to the insanely huge number of total people who will live on this earth.

You are meant to be with those around you.

It's part of God's divine plan!

His Plan of Happiness includes all of us.

We are happy because we learn to love those around us and they learn to love us!

Charity is Joy!

I have been so blessed to spend the last 6 weeks with such incredible missionaries!!

They have taught me so much and brought me so much joy!

I wouldn't be the missionary or person I am right now without knowing them.

God prepared all of us to be in Canandaigua at that time.

Now I go to Lancaster and know that I will grow and find a unique joy that I can find nowhere else!

God is great and loves us enough to put us exactly where we need to be.

Ask him why you are where you are and why your with the people your with.

It's definitely not coincidence :)

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 
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