Friday, September 16, 2016


A Woman: An adult human female,

a female worker or employee,

a wife, girlfriend, or lover. –definition from Google.

A Woman: An adult female person,

a daughter, of God. –definition from LDS scriptures.

Which definition do you prefer?

While reading the New Testament,

I was once again surprised at how Christ refers to his mother,

“Woman, behold thy son!” –John 19:26

If I referred to my mom like that…

Well we wont share what would happen.

Is Christ disrespectful towards women?

The answer is an ecstatic NO!

Christ defended women.

Whether it was his mom or a woman living in adultery,

He referred to them as Woman,

and this is because He saw them as they really are,

daughters of God.

In today’s world being called a woman is offensive,

Because it’s sexist,


And rude!

When did this change happen?

Christ knew what the word mean to him,

And we all need to follow His example.

A Woman is not only a lover, coworker, or employee,

but a daughter of God.

Never forget your identity or the identity of the women around you.

Don’t let the world change it into something to be ashamed of.

Woman: a daughter of God.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Why is God not blessing me when I'm doing what's right?

Joseph and Mary’s story in the New Testament is one of trust and love.

and most importantly it’s about their complete devotion to their Heavenly Father.

Joseph was betrothed to Mary when Mary conceived.

Joseph knew it wasn’t his baby, then who’s?

His wife claimed that it was Heavenly Father’s son,

and that he would be God’s only Begotten Son.

If it wasn’t for Joseph’s spiritual sensitivity,

and devotion to God,

do you think he would have trusted this “excuse.”

Because of the whisperings of the Holy Spirit,

he could trust in his Heavenly Father.

As much of a blessing as it was to Mary to have Joseph on her side,

everyone else didn’t react the same.

The night of Jesus’s birth, Mary found there was no room in the inn.

Sitting through my New Testament class,

I learned something that brought on much more of a meaning to that statement.

The translation for inn came from the Hebrew word Katalyma.

That word is used multiple other times for simply a guest chamber.

We’re talking about an upstairs room in a house.

It wasn’t a hotel that wouldn’t take them, it was their kin and friends.

Mary was despised because of her situation.

Despised by everyone except Joseph.

Mary’s story is a great example of the fact that those who stand with God,

don’t always have everything in this world.

“Mary… a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel.” -Alma 7:10

Even though she was a precious and chosen vessel,

and was chosen to be the mother of the Son of God,

she still didn’t have everything in the world one could wish for.

She didn’t even have a room to give birth in.

We tend to feel forgotten or forsaken by God when things don’t go well.

I would invite you to think to Mary’s example

and realize even the people God describes as a “precious and chosen vessel”

still don’t have the riches of the world.

God knows how we can return to Him,

He knows the best people we can be.

We need to trust Him.

As we go through the trials and tribulations,

it’s important to remember to do as Mary did,

and not forget these events.

But rather,

“[Keep] all these things, and [ponder] them in [your] heart.” –Luke 2:19

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Your Mission, If You Choose to Accept it...

Your mission, if you chose to accept it…

What would your mission be?

My first reaction, taking down a secret organization

that’s about to release a nuclear bomb.

How cool of a party story would that be?

On a more serious note,

We each do have a mission.

Luckily after reading our mission,

the message didn’t burst into flames.

We can study and read our mission all we want:

In the Holy Bible and additional scripture we have received.

Do you know your mission?

Do you know that we already chose to “accept” our mission,

before we even came to earth?

We are to become like Heavenly Father,

and return to him

with as many of our brothers and sisters as we can.

We were in Heaven with our Father

and we saw what an evil world it was.

Yet we still chose to come.

We still accepted our mission.

Heavenly Father does not leave us alone,

take the example of Moses talking to God.

 Put yourself in his shoes.

As God was speaking to Moses he said the following,

“I am the Lord God Almighty, and Endless is my name…

And, behold, thou art my son.” –Moses 1:3-4

We are His son.

What do son’s do?

They try to become the best parts of their father.

That is exactly what we are doing, becoming like Him.

All commandments and guidance form the spirit leads towards that simple goal,

becoming like Him.

However it doesn’t end there,

as we do become like him,

we will have a natural inclination to bring our brothers and sisters,

with us.

Look into your own life and begin changing,

then look around and love others,

because that is what He would do.