Thursday, June 12, 2014

Feeling the Spirit-Through the Priesthood

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have the blessing of holding the Priesthood.

What's the Priesthood?

Priesthood: the power and authority that God gives to man to act in all things necessary for the salvation of God’s children.

It is the power that God gives for us, his children, to do all things necessary for salvation.

Jamie (name has been changed) is somebody who hasn't heard of the Priesthood before.

She recently needed help painting her house.

She was blessed to get ahold of four missionaries to come help her.

Coincidence? of course not.

While painting she shared something with us.

She told us that she was starting new treatments soon in hope of improving her health.

The concern was very apparent as we were told what she would be going through.

We relayed to her the fact of the restoration of the priesthood,

the eternal truth of her divinity as a daughter of God,

knowledge of the awareness that Christ has in all of our lives,

and the profound non-coincidental event that brought us into her life right at this time.

Something stirred,

we could see her comforted as the Holy Ghost bore truth of what we taught.

The sister missionaries continued to teach her and we received a call that she wanted a Priesthood blessing.

Excited we hurried over to her house.

As I layed my hands upon her head and spoke the words that I knew Heavenly Father was putting there,

I couldn't help but feel the spirit stir inside of me.

Concluding, "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen,"

I took a step back and watched as tears streamed from her eyes.

She knew that the priesthood was working miracles in her.

She knew that her Father in Heaven loved her dearly.

She knew that He was reaching out to her once more.

Miracles happen every day.

Our Heavenly Father is a God of miracles.

Just like in time of old he continues to miraculously bless our lives.

He knows you.

and He works in your life daily.

I know this to be true.

Christ truly is your Savior, He is the only way to salvation.

And the only way back to our Heavenly Father's presence to live with Him for eternity.

Seek the  Priesthood in your life and I promise the Spirit will fill you abundantly,

and most importantly,

tell you of the simple truths that make life as Joyous as God meant it to be.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.



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