Thursday, August 29, 2013

You're Not Alone

A not so long time ago, in a not so far away state...

I was in Middle School! It was an ordinary English class in which we were reading a play.

We would take turns reading as different characters and it eventually came my turn to read.

As I read the lines I came across a swear word and nonchalantly grazed over it with a humorous censor "beep" and continued on.

My teacher stopped me and pointed out that I skipped the word and that I should just take advantage of the opportunity and swear in school without getting in trouble.

There I sat, with the class's eyes on me, waiting to hear that word come out of my mouth. People knew I didn't swear, but this wasn't too bad right? it was literature... I sat trying to decide what to do, as I spoke up I found myself defending myself and trying to just get past the fact that I didn't want to say it.

However the teacher continued to try to get me to just say that one word.

What would you do at this point? Honestly ask yourself what you would do at this point. Your teacher is challenging your standards in front of the whole class in whom all are probably agreeing with him. Was one word really that bad?

Luckily I didn't have to make that decision. One of my classmates spoke up and told the teacher that I don't swear and that I'm "not that type of guy."

The teacher backed off and I continued reading with a new-found confidence in myself, my standards, and also those classmates that sat around me. That whole experience I felt as if the spotlight was on me, I had to make the decision, and I had to stand alone in front of the whole class.

However, I wasn't alone. I ask myself if my friend didn't speak up, would I have made the choice to stand alone? Because I had dare to stand alone within friendships and small confrontations, the choice in the end was much easier as my classmate stood up and defended the standards he knew I had.

As we dare to stand alone,

People will see your light and know that you "aren't that type of guy."

Always stand strong and always dare to be a beacon in this ever darkening world.

People will look to you.

They will one day appreciate that you were so willing to live your life in a way to guide others through the storm and ever darkening night unto the loving creator and Savior, in whom is the only source of true joy in this life.

In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The 9 Mile Bike Rides

Being blessed with a truck in our area has been great, and I didn't really appreciate it until I didn't have it anymore!

We had to take the truck in to the shop and were told that it would take all day. Not having anybody nearby to give us a ride on such short notice, we broke out the bikes and helmets and went on our way.

A little geography lesson on the Canandaigua area, at the moment we live 9 miles outside of our area, the truck shop is about half way between the city and our apartment. The ride to our area wasn't too demanding and we were able to bike around the town the rest of the day going to the appointments we had.

The day ended and that dreaded ride loomed ahead of us. Neither of us were physically built as bikers and our thighs felt the day's worth of biking, the nine miles home was achievable, but seemed a very daunting task.

We stopped at the church for one final drink of water before we set out on the ride back home, just as we did a member drove up and walked in to the building with us.

He proceeded to ask for a blessing and didn't see it as chance that we both came to the building at the same time.

We gave him a priesthood blessing and he was extremely grateful. While talking after he found out of our bike ride that we had ahead of us, he immediately grabbed our bikes. threw them in the back of his vehicle and gave us a ride home.

We all have those 9-mile bike rides ahead of us, we have faith that the Lord will strengthen us, and that we will be able to do whatever lies ahead.

This life is not easy, nor is it extremely hard, if we have an eternal perspective.

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Matthew 11:29

He has provided a way to endure to the end with joy! After this experience I fell down on my knees and prayed with a heart full of thanks. I once again received a strong prompting that the Lord really does loves his children and blesses us with tender mercies in our lives every single day. I know He lives and knows each one of our needs. He wont always take afflictions away, but every once in a while he blesses us with taking those 9-mile bike rides, and making them a bit easier.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Lego Moments

While we were sharing a dinner thought about prayer, one of the children of the family shared how he was missing a Lego block and couldn't find it. He knelt in prayer and asked that he would be able to find this missing piece. He stood up and found it very promptly.

The father then included that his son has had a lot of significant testimony builders through Legos.

I smiled, remembering a few of my own!

When it comes to the eternal scheme of things, does it matter if we find that missing Lego block?

Probably not.

So why does God bless us with helping us "find our Lego pieces"?

I noticed two things as this young man recited the story. He knew that his Heavenly Father answered his prayers and he was pretty darn happy that he was able to finish the Lego set.

We have a loving father in heaven,

"The title father is sacred and eternal. It is significant that of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that are given to Deity, He has asked us to address Him as Father." -Quorom of the Twelve Apostles

He wants us to be happy! He cares about the little things! He cares about those Lego sets you wish to build. His work and glory is us!

He is always there, he sent his only Begotten Son to die for us so that we may return to him.

He wants us to return, and return happily!

Look for the Lego moments in your life, they will cause an ever increasing knowledge and testimony grow in your heart that you do have a Father in heaven, and that he does know you personally.

I testify that he does, and he yearns so much for a message from you.

Pray and council with the ultimate Creator, Ruler, and Preserver of all things.

And feel the Joy that is just a foretaste of what he has promised the faithful after this life.

In the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Standing our Ground

We were helping a member from the ward build fence on his horse farm and I had no idea of the lesson I would learn that day!

We had a section of the fence knocked down and the horses were gathering around. The farmer affirmed us that the horses wouldn't try to get out and that we shouldn't worry.

Continuing to work, the horses continued to crowd. One of his dogs nipped at one of the horses and a horse took off through the gap.

Because one escaped, the rest needed to follow. I was shoved out of the way as a horse jumped the fence landing on the ground with a thud, and the others breaking through the gap and fence.

I was left there as my companion and the other two elders rushed out to try to coax the horses back. The farmer handed me a board and told me that if any of the horses came charging at me, to wave the board and stand my ground.

I was left, a city boy, completely out of my element, with a board, and horses eying me to see how sure I was of guarding the hole in the fence.

I wasn't so sure.

However I did have faith that what I was taught would work, and I stood there holding that board and didn't move a muscle.

Soon the horses were back and I was relieved of my duty.

In this life, the charge to live righteously and to endure to the end may be similar to a terrified city boy holding a board with a bunch of horses eying him.

All we know is that we have to stand our ground, and no matter what, use the board (Scriptures, Prayer, Church, etc.) and never lose our ground.

"I am satisfied that there is no need to stand still and let the filth and violence overwhelm us, or to run in despair. The tide, high and menacing as it is, can be turned back..." -Gordon B. Hinkley

It CAN be turned back.

So turn it back.

Never lose your ground.

And never lose your hope.

All things are possible through him.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Lord Prepares Us

The first night in the mission field was a whirlwind, only a few things truly stuck with me from that night.

Our mission president asked us all a question, "Why are you called to this mission at this time?"

He didn't necessarily ask for an answer, he concluded by saying that we should always be asking ourselves this question and hopefully by the end we'll have an answer.

I'm now almost 6 months out and pondering on the question I have begun to realize why I am called to this mission, at this specific time.

There are people that I have been able to connect with because I have had similar experiences,

One specific instance I could connect with a person because I have suffered in similar ways he had.

I started to realize that there isn't one answer to this question, rather, many answers through the form of miracles every single day.

I grew up with the family, friends, trials, weaknesses, strengths, so I could help people come unto Him, through me.

I was prepared to come to the New York Rochester Mission on March 26.

I was Prepared.

"Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings." (Mosiah 8:18)

God has prepared us all to interact with those around you, work miracles through God's power according to our faith, to benefit their lives.

You are You for a reason.

Pray for inspiration on those around you that you have been prepared to help.

You will become a light and beacon to many and you will provide the means for them to find the joy you love so much.

Have Faith.

Work Mighty Miracles.

And Become a Great Benefit to Others Lives.

In the name of him who worked the greatest miracle in all of our lives, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happiness: A Decision

Recently I had a quite an interesting day as a missionary!

We attended zone conference which is about a 25 mile drive and then we returned home. It wasn't until I walked in to the apartment that I realized we didn't have our phone, and that I left it under a tree back at zone conference. We drove all the way back and used 50 more miles just because I didn't remember the phone.

We helped a family with service that night in which I shattered a light bulb and then proceeded to sweep it all up.

Washed out the truck bed before we hauled things for a member in which we sprayed mud all over our white shirts and ties.

And finally we had clean checks the next morning so I had the opportunity to clean the toilet right before I called it a night.

Sounded like a pretty happy day, right?

Well let me tell you, It was an AWESOME day!

Looking back it made no sense why it was such a great day and as I thought of it more, I realized something.

The 3 hours we spent in the truck were some great times to talk to Elder Ipson and get to know each other just a little bit better! It also was a great opportunity to listen to uplifting music and really invite the spirit.

The family was very grateful for our help, even with the 10 cent broken light bulb.

We looked absolutely ridiculous at our meal appointment looking like Dalmatians from the mud and there was nothing I could do but laugh!

"For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves." (Doctrine & Covenants 58:28)

"We are agents to act, not objects to be acted upon." -Elder Bednar

YOU make the outcome. Choose to act, take charge of your life, and stop allowing excuses for your bad days. Bad days will come, but every bad day is given so we can grow. Don't complain, Grow.

All things are possible through our Savior Jesus Christ and his atonement.

In His name I close, Amen. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Title of Liberty of Our Day...

"In Memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children."

I had a missionary give this lesson before I left. He read the line where Captain Moroni rents his clothing and the missionary then got up and tore his white shirt off (having another shirt and tag on under it.) Needless to say it was a pretty unforgettable lesson! At that moment in my life, as I was preparing to go on my mission, the adversary was really pushing my every weakness. I realized I needed exactly that, a Title of Liberty.

While preparing I didn't realize truly what my Title of Liberty was, however looking back it's very obvious. I was called as a temple worker and the temple became that Title of Liberty that made it possible to make it on a mission. 

There are several parallels: "People came running together... as a covenant that they should not forsake the Lord their God." "And it came to pass that he caused the title of liberty to be hoisted upon every tower." (Alma 47)

Temples are being built constantly and in very diverse places, they are truly being hoisted upon every tower.

While attending the temple once a week for a few months before my mission I felt stronger than I ever had before. As the temptations and trials increased, the blessings increased in turn also. I felt His love and I never felt overwhelmed by the temptations, or the fact that I was about to leave on a 2 year mission!

As we keep the Temple in our eyesight and "hoisted upon every tower" we will find that we will continually have an eternal perspective. As we truly treasure up in our minds Eternal life it will become very real. 

We read in the Bible Dictionary that, "the Lord gives us His Holy Spirit in this life as a foretaste of the joy of eternal life."

Seek an eternal perspective, and seek the spirit constantly in your lives. Make the temple your title of liberty and constantly be working towards it. As you do you will feel joy, a joy in which is just a "foretaste of the joy" that is awaiting us after this life.

In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


"Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect." 3 Nephi 12:48

We are told to become perfect. The key word in what I just said is BECOME.

"The message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can and must expect to BECOME better as long as we live." -Henry B. Eyring

We are saved through being perfect. How can we become perfect? Only through Christ's grace. 

How do we become worthy of Christ's grace? Through living his gospel. 

I get frustrated with myself every single day with the little things that I have trouble with. Why do I get mad at people? Why do I have a hard time talking with some people? Why do I not have enough courage to act on a prompting that I know is from God?

There are so many shortfalls in every day life that I am glad I can see, because even though they can become burdening, they always bring me back to relying on my Heavenly Father. 

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." Ether 12:27

His grace is always sufficient. No matter how far we stray, how weak we are, how imperfect we are. That goal is achievable. It's not achievable in the next hour or next day, but in the next life. Don't expect to achieve it in this life because we are not meant to. We are to feel imperfect so we can turn to our Heavenly Father in humility. Turn to him, and he will make weak things become strong. 

In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, whom makes it all possible, Amen. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

By Degrees...

Amalickiah is quite the evil man, in fact, he might even trump volde-- I mean he who must not be named.

His whole plan is to be king over the Lamanites so he can conquer the Nephites.

At one point he finds himself with a small army camping for the night at the bottom of a hill. (Alma 47:9)

He is preparing them to go to battle on the morrow but has another scheme in the background.

The whole time he is trying to meet with the leader of the other army, Lehonti. 

He tried to get him to come down and conference with him, and he refused.

He tried again only to get refused once more.

Refused on the third, once more.

On the fourth try he said that he would meet him and that Lehonti could "come down, and that he would bring his guards with him." (47:12)

Lehonti knew he shouldn't even mess with Amalickiah let alone meet with him, but Amalickiah made him feel safe and allowed him to come down from his stronghold with his guards.

Through trickery Amalickiah manipulates Lehonti into combining armies and putting him second in charge.

Amalickiah then poisons Lehonti "by degrees..." (47:18) and becomes leader over the Army.

We are in our strongholds as we read and pray. Satan does not necessarily attack our strong holds but makes us feel safe enough to leave them and meet him half way.

Never does Satan make it obvious his plans, and never are they easily detected.

He will poison us by degrees every time we leave our stronghold.

Do not leave your stronghold, continue to pray and read the words of God. They will always protect you. Never go down, never even give Satan the time of day, because when we do, that is when he can begin to administer the poison. 

With the Lord anything is possible, and he will always be our song and  our Joy as long as we come closer to him. "Great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee." (2 Nephi 22)