Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Lord Prepares Us

The first night in the mission field was a whirlwind, only a few things truly stuck with me from that night.

Our mission president asked us all a question, "Why are you called to this mission at this time?"

He didn't necessarily ask for an answer, he concluded by saying that we should always be asking ourselves this question and hopefully by the end we'll have an answer.

I'm now almost 6 months out and pondering on the question I have begun to realize why I am called to this mission, at this specific time.

There are people that I have been able to connect with because I have had similar experiences,

One specific instance I could connect with a person because I have suffered in similar ways he had.

I started to realize that there isn't one answer to this question, rather, many answers through the form of miracles every single day.

I grew up with the family, friends, trials, weaknesses, strengths, so I could help people come unto Him, through me.

I was prepared to come to the New York Rochester Mission on March 26.

I was Prepared.

"Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings." (Mosiah 8:18)

God has prepared us all to interact with those around you, work miracles through God's power according to our faith, to benefit their lives.

You are You for a reason.

Pray for inspiration on those around you that you have been prepared to help.

You will become a light and beacon to many and you will provide the means for them to find the joy you love so much.

Have Faith.

Work Mighty Miracles.

And Become a Great Benefit to Others Lives.

In the name of him who worked the greatest miracle in all of our lives, Jesus Christ, Amen. 


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