Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happiness: A Decision

Recently I had a quite an interesting day as a missionary!

We attended zone conference which is about a 25 mile drive and then we returned home. It wasn't until I walked in to the apartment that I realized we didn't have our phone, and that I left it under a tree back at zone conference. We drove all the way back and used 50 more miles just because I didn't remember the phone.

We helped a family with service that night in which I shattered a light bulb and then proceeded to sweep it all up.

Washed out the truck bed before we hauled things for a member in which we sprayed mud all over our white shirts and ties.

And finally we had clean checks the next morning so I had the opportunity to clean the toilet right before I called it a night.

Sounded like a pretty happy day, right?

Well let me tell you, It was an AWESOME day!

Looking back it made no sense why it was such a great day and as I thought of it more, I realized something.

The 3 hours we spent in the truck were some great times to talk to Elder Ipson and get to know each other just a little bit better! It also was a great opportunity to listen to uplifting music and really invite the spirit.

The family was very grateful for our help, even with the 10 cent broken light bulb.

We looked absolutely ridiculous at our meal appointment looking like Dalmatians from the mud and there was nothing I could do but laugh!

"For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves." (Doctrine & Covenants 58:28)

"We are agents to act, not objects to be acted upon." -Elder Bednar

YOU make the outcome. Choose to act, take charge of your life, and stop allowing excuses for your bad days. Bad days will come, but every bad day is given so we can grow. Don't complain, Grow.

All things are possible through our Savior Jesus Christ and his atonement.

In His name I close, Amen. 
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