Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Warm Shower or Freezing Rain?

January and raining, never thought it would happen in New York!

It wasn't quite as wonderful as I thought it would be.

The temperature just above freezing it was raining

and cold. 

We spent the morning hauling logs outside 

and my companion quickly found out his jacket wasn't waterproof. 

The warm shower was more welcoming than ever before.

Sitting on the couch I was sad to say that neither of us

were very excited to get out in the rain again and knock on doors.

However knowing that we were on the Lord's time

we put our jackets on and headed out. 

Trying to look through the darkness and rain

we couldn't find the address we were looking for. 

A little discouraged and wanting to just talk to someone

I pulled the car over and parked in front of the nearest house.

We knocked on the door and lo and behold,

the man answering the door takes a Book of Mormon

and agrees to have us return to talk about it.

You know how grateful we were?

We got back in the car and started cheering and fist pumping!

Then of course we took the reverent moment

to give a prayer of thanks to Him who led us there.

Are you in that freezing rain?

It gets pretty cold.

Or are you singing and taking your time

in the warm steamy shower?

If we spend life in our comfort zone,

and not putting ourselves out there to help others

and to challenge ourselves,

we could very well turn into raisins under the warm water.

When you step out into that freezing rain

That miracle will come.

And as President Uchtdorf says,

"It will be glorious."

Think of a way you stay inside the warm shower

and make a change today to get out in that freezing rain!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.