Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Listening on the Court

In middle school I signed up for a before school basketball intramural team. Tuesday and Thursday mornings I would show up early in the morning with my basketball shorts and shoes on ready to play. My Dad was always so willing and supportive to drive me, and all the rest of my siblings when they played, nearly every morning we played and then stayed and watched us play basketball. I would try my hardest on the court and then at half time...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is this Non-Fiction?

We were at a family's house watching the restoration DVD and their son (who is in kindergarten) was sitting right next to me. It began to portray Joseph Smith seeking out answers to his questions in the Bible. And then, making that decision that changed the world, knelt down in a grove of trees and asked his Heavenly Father what his soul pondered. Their son turned to me and asked if the movie was non-fiction. With a smile I told him that...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Falling Short

My first day in western New York, I bowed my head in prayer in the Sacred Grove and opened my heart to God. I promised him that I would be exactly obedient and always work hard on my mission. Then I set out and tried to live up to what I promised. But I didn't live up to it. I found myself some mornings waking up later than I should have. Frustration found a way into my mind and I allowed it to discourage me. I hesitated while street...

Friday, January 3, 2014

Spiritual Giants

I often try to notice what I really look up to someone for and try to mirror it in myself. As I've done this I realized that these characteristics fall under the characteristics of the Savior. When we try our hardest to make our lives in line with the Savior's perfect example, we begin to become spiritual giants and are able to bless other's around us, here are some examples I have seen in my life: Faith: Growing up Bishop Oldham was bishop...