Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Falling Short

My first day in western New York, I bowed my head in prayer in the Sacred Grove and opened my heart to God.

I promised him that I would be exactly obedient and always work hard on my mission.

Then I set out and tried to live up to what I promised.

But I didn't live up to it.

I found myself some mornings waking up later than I should have.

Frustration found a way into my mind and I allowed it to discourage me.

I hesitated while street contacting and missed an opportunity.

My heavy eyelids won me over and I found myself sleeping through a study session.

I promised Heavenly Father and the Lord that I would work my hardest, yet here I am not being a perfect missionary.

Only two years to completely dedicate all of my time to serve the Lord and I'm not using that time to the fullest!

On one of many nights, I get down on my knees, bow my head, and open my heart to God once again.

Whispering the words in my head, I ask for forgiveness for falling short of my promise once again.

Then most importantly, I ask for the strength to be that missionary that God knows I can be.

My vision of my work has changed since that first day.

I'm not going to be a perfect missionary.

I won't be the perfect person that I want to be.

I'm going to be the person and missionary that God wants me to be, weaknesses and all.

Re evaluate your expectations for yourself,

and align them with the expectations that God has.

Then when you have that vision,

Get down on your knees,

Use the greatest gift God and his beloved Son has ever given you

The Atonement.

and Start Over.


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