I couldn't help but cry in frustration as we drove away from yet another doctor's appointment with questions unanswered.
For nearly two months I had been nauseous and dizzy enough to keep me out of school and laying down with little to no energy.
I had become discouraged.
Missing school and being house ridden was taking it's toll.
Hopping from doctor to doctor, medication to medication, the problem continued and the questions remained unanswered.
Then the miracles began.
My dad happened to have a connection to a doctor that was willing to see me on such short notice.
The doctor worked in a pretty prestigious hospital and it was a miracle she had the time to see me.
We baked them a plate of cookies as a small token of our gratitude.
Within 10 minutes she diagnosed my problem.
The treatment was to attend physical therapy sessions.
A physical therapist who happened to just get through schooling for treating vestibulitis, happened to live in my home town.
The exercises were simply looking at the ceiling, then at the floor, ceiling, floor.
At first my attitude was a bit skeptical, but I did what I was told.
I remember after my first session I went home and passed out from exhaustion.
Those simple movements were the beginning of my journey back to health.
Soon I was able to read the math board again without nausea occurring.
I was able to do the work that was missed and catch up well enough to pass that semester.
All throughout I was blessed with inspired teachers that were willing to work with me at home
and inspired people to lift my spirits.
I think back to that car ride leaving the doctors office and that feeling of despair.
When we go through trials that seem never ending it's hard to see the light that is illuminating our way.
However, after the trial, we often look back with joy and see we were led every step of the way.
Our Heavenly Father's hand is in every detail.

Every encouraging letter.
Every smile.
Every ray of sunlight.
He will not forget you,
If you will not forget him.
There is never an excuse to forget our Father in Heaven.
There is never any trial or mistake that we can make that causes us to not be worthy to get down on our knees and seek his comfort.
Seek for his love!
He is the perfect Father.
In the name of His son, who overcame all trials and sorrows, even Jesus Christ, Amen.
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