It's the time of year,
when Christ actually is kind of,
the center of our society.
However, as everything in the word,
it has been skewed enough to make it so a person
can go throughout the whole season and not think of Christ once.
Not think of Christ, during CHRISTmas.
Incredible right?
But effort can be made to bring it around to what really matters,
but this has to happen individually.
We know society isn't going to do it,
so we need to do it.
Christ's life, including his birth,
is miraculous.
Christ always aimed towards his Father in Heaven.
Even in death, He forgave those around Him,
and loved them.
When Christ was presented in front of the Jews by Pilate,
Pilate asked who he should set free.
The Jews released Barrabas, a murderer and a thief,
instead of Christ.
Makes you not like Barrabas right?
Well think for a second,
aren't we all Barrabas?
Aren't we set free because Christ stepped in?
This Christmas,
don't just give someone your heart,
give everyone part of the love you have,
in memory of He who gave everyone in the universe love.
Put a smile on,
and have a truly,
Merry Christmas.
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