Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Lego Moments

While we were sharing a dinner thought about prayer, one of the children of the family shared how he was missing a Lego block and couldn't find it. He knelt in prayer and asked that he would be able to find this missing piece. He stood up and found it very promptly.

The father then included that his son has had a lot of significant testimony builders through Legos.

I smiled, remembering a few of my own!

When it comes to the eternal scheme of things, does it matter if we find that missing Lego block?

Probably not.

So why does God bless us with helping us "find our Lego pieces"?

I noticed two things as this young man recited the story. He knew that his Heavenly Father answered his prayers and he was pretty darn happy that he was able to finish the Lego set.

We have a loving father in heaven,

"The title father is sacred and eternal. It is significant that of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that are given to Deity, He has asked us to address Him as Father." -Quorom of the Twelve Apostles

He wants us to be happy! He cares about the little things! He cares about those Lego sets you wish to build. His work and glory is us!

He is always there, he sent his only Begotten Son to die for us so that we may return to him.

He wants us to return, and return happily!

Look for the Lego moments in your life, they will cause an ever increasing knowledge and testimony grow in your heart that you do have a Father in heaven, and that he does know you personally.

I testify that he does, and he yearns so much for a message from you.

Pray and council with the ultimate Creator, Ruler, and Preserver of all things.

And feel the Joy that is just a foretaste of what he has promised the faithful after this life.

In the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.



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