Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Title of Liberty of Our Day...

"In Memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children."

I had a missionary give this lesson before I left. He read the line where Captain Moroni rents his clothing and the missionary then got up and tore his white shirt off (having another shirt and tag on under it.) Needless to say it was a pretty unforgettable lesson! At that moment in my life, as I was preparing to go on my mission, the adversary was really pushing my every weakness. I realized I needed exactly that, a Title of Liberty.

While preparing I didn't realize truly what my Title of Liberty was, however looking back it's very obvious. I was called as a temple worker and the temple became that Title of Liberty that made it possible to make it on a mission. 

There are several parallels: "People came running together... as a covenant that they should not forsake the Lord their God." "And it came to pass that he caused the title of liberty to be hoisted upon every tower." (Alma 47)

Temples are being built constantly and in very diverse places, they are truly being hoisted upon every tower.

While attending the temple once a week for a few months before my mission I felt stronger than I ever had before. As the temptations and trials increased, the blessings increased in turn also. I felt His love and I never felt overwhelmed by the temptations, or the fact that I was about to leave on a 2 year mission!

As we keep the Temple in our eyesight and "hoisted upon every tower" we will find that we will continually have an eternal perspective. As we truly treasure up in our minds Eternal life it will become very real. 

We read in the Bible Dictionary that, "the Lord gives us His Holy Spirit in this life as a foretaste of the joy of eternal life."

Seek an eternal perspective, and seek the spirit constantly in your lives. Make the temple your title of liberty and constantly be working towards it. As you do you will feel joy, a joy in which is just a "foretaste of the joy" that is awaiting us after this life.

In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. 


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