Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vanilla Vs. Syrup

Everybody likes a good batch of chocolate chip cookies, it's just a fact. My brother and I had a craving for them and decided to make a batch. Since my parents were out on their date night we decided to go for it with no supervision. It went really well! We were working together, having a blast, and then we got to an ingredient: Vanilla. We didn't have any vanilla. Stumped we thought about what we could do. Neither of us could drive, and...

Manner of Happiness

I know I've already posted a blog post about happiness, but I found a scripture that really brought out a whole new point that I just couldn't help but share! "And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness." 2 Nephi 5:27 They were happy! Who likes to be happy? I guess the real question is who doesn't like to be happy?? I absolutely love being happy, pretty much the best thing ever. Earlier in the chapter it described...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Adversity and Righteousness

In a youth stake meeting, President Mortimer whom is in the stake presidency, said a line that has really stuck with me since, "Don't let the test deter the decision." Deciding to go on a mission was a decision I made a long time ago, however the test didn't come until right before I left. I can look back now and see every test that the adversary threw my way. I have never been tested more in my life then right before I had to walk through...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Power of God

"The Priesthood is the power and authority that God gives to man to act in all things necessary for the salvation of God’s children." The Priesthood is the result of the restoration of the true church of Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, on this earth once again. It makes baptism into our church a key to salvation and allows to have a prophet of God, President Thomas S. Monson, to guide and direct Christ's church on...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Trusting Completely

Following the promptings of the spirits are eternally important, and he speaks to each of us in a unique way. We need to heed these followings and follow them immediately. Recently, we were driving down main street and I saw that a concert was being played at the stage and I felt for some reason we should go. The music was not going to be approved for missionaries, is it really a good use of our time to go and watch a concert? It made no...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

How do you Listen?

I have felt that I never really had a big Holy Ghost prompting as an answer to my prayers. I've had a few lego story moments that I can remember, but nothing too major that I really felt was the Holy Ghost speaking and guiding me.  I learned an important aspect of how the Holy Ghost speaks to all of us by a simple experience, right at the beginning of my mission. My first day on my mission we stopped at a rest stop...