Thursday, August 29, 2013

You're Not Alone

A not so long time ago, in a not so far away state... I was in Middle School! It was an ordinary English class in which we were reading a play. We would take turns reading as different characters and it eventually came my turn to read. As I read the lines I came across a swear word and nonchalantly grazed over it with a humorous censor "beep" and continued on. My teacher stopped me and pointed out that I skipped the word and that I should...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The 9 Mile Bike Rides

Being blessed with a truck in our area has been great, and I didn't really appreciate it until I didn't have it anymore! We had to take the truck in to the shop and were told that it would take all day. Not having anybody nearby to give us a ride on such short notice, we broke out the bikes and helmets and went on our way. A little geography lesson on the Canandaigua area, at the moment we live 9 miles outside of our area, the truck shop is...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Lego Moments

While we were sharing a dinner thought about prayer, one of the children of the family shared how he was missing a Lego block and couldn't find it. He knelt in prayer and asked that he would be able to find this missing piece. He stood up and found it very promptly. The father then included that his son has had a lot of significant testimony builders through Legos. I smiled, remembering a few of my own! When it comes to the eternal scheme...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Standing our Ground

We were helping a member from the ward build fence on his horse farm and I had no idea of the lesson I would learn that day! We had a section of the fence knocked down and the horses were gathering around. The farmer affirmed us that the horses wouldn't try to get out and that we shouldn't worry. Continuing to work, the horses continued to crowd. One of his dogs nipped at one of the horses and a horse took off through the gap. Because one...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Lord Prepares Us

The first night in the mission field was a whirlwind, only a few things truly stuck with me from that night. Our mission president asked us all a question, "Why are you called to this mission at this time?" He didn't necessarily ask for an answer, he concluded by saying that we should always be asking ourselves this question and hopefully by the end we'll have an answer. I'm now almost 6 months out and pondering on the question I have begun...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happiness: A Decision

Recently I had a quite an interesting day as a missionary! We attended zone conference which is about a 25 mile drive and then we returned home. It wasn't until I walked in to the apartment that I realized we didn't have our phone, and that I left it under a tree back at zone conference. We drove all the way back and used 50 more miles just because I didn't remember the phone. We helped a family with service that night in which I shattered...

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Title of Liberty of Our Day...

"In Memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children." I had a missionary give this lesson before I left. He read the line where Captain Moroni rents his clothing and the missionary then got up and tore his white shirt off (having another shirt and tag on under it.) Needless to say it was a pretty unforgettable lesson! At that moment in my life, as I was preparing to go on my mission, the adversary...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


"Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect." 3 Nephi 12:48 We are told to become perfect. The key word in what I just said is BECOME. "The message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can and must expect to BECOME better as long as we live." -Henry B. Eyring We are saved through being perfect. How can we become perfect? Only through Christ's grace.  How...

Saturday, August 3, 2013

By Degrees...

Amalickiah is quite the evil man, in fact, he might even trump volde-- I mean he who must not be named. His whole plan is to be king over the Lamanites so he can conquer the Nephites. At one point he finds himself with a small army camping for the night at the bottom of a hill. (Alma 47:9) He is preparing them to go to battle on the morrow but has another scheme in the background. The whole time he is trying to meet with the leader...