Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Work is Hastening... With iPads!

Just recently our mission got iPads.

How ridiculously cool is that?

I have been hearing of "digital devices" coming to our mission since I first came out. (11 Months ago)

Ever since I heard that they were coming I was pretty skeptical over why missionaries would need them.

Let me tell you, the reason is incredible.

It has been promised time and time again that the Lord would hasten his work in the last days.

iPads are just one of the many ways that he's doing it!

Technology has been made for a number of reasons, but the biggest reasons is exactly this,

Missionary work.

The Lord is behind all of these advances in technology.

Not only do missionaries have iPad's now but we're on facebook also!

Think of how many people one of our posts reaches?

Think how long it takes to write that post? Two minutes tops.

Now imagine how many people that post has the potential to reach.

Now think how many people will be reached in two minutes while tracting.

Are you picking up what I'm putting down?


We can reach more people with the message of the restoration than has ever been possible before!

The Lord is behind facebook, iPads, the internet, etc.

He is hastening his work.

I am blessed to be called as one of his full time servants during this exciting time!

And guess what, YOU are called during this exciting time also.

Use the tools the Lord has put in your hands to build people up and to share that light you have!

Share your testimony!

I invite you to share a status right now expressing your own unique testimony.

Think of how much garbage is on the internet, let's lighten it up a bit!

And use it as the Lord intended.

Share it!


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