In 2 Nephi 31, Nephi tells us the equation on how we can endure to the end! After we enter the gate of baptism, this is what is required:
Press Forward with Steadfastness in Christ (Vs. 20) + Perfect Brightness of Hope + Love of Everyone + Feasting on the Word's of Christ = Eternal Life!
The dictionary states that Steadfastness means to show loyalty in the face of trouble and difficulty. Even when life get's hard we need to be loyal to Christ and turn to him as our first choice, not last resort.
Hope is something that has had it's meaning change over time. Today we use it to convey uncertainty. It's true meaning is to have an expectation or desire for something to happen. Expect Christ to help you through trials, have the desire to grow from your experiences. As long as we are living righteously Christ will always provide a way out!
Love of everyone is loving people enough to want whats best for them.
Feasting on the Word's of Christ entails not just reading, but feasting! Not only does this mean having the continual desire to read his word, but to really find joy and fulfillment out of it! When I feast on a meal I definitely always feel it after! Such as should be studying, feel it after!
Eternal Life is living the life that our loving Heavenly Father lives. He want's us to have what he has and will always, through his son, provide a way to achieve it as long as we make the choice and apply the equation of eternal life in our lives!
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