Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Manner of Happiness

I know I've already posted a blog post about happiness, but I found a scripture that really brought out a whole new point that I just couldn't help but share!

"And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness." 2 Nephi 5:27

They were happy! Who likes to be happy? I guess the real question is who doesn't like to be happy??

I absolutely love being happy, pretty much the best thing ever.

Earlier in the chapter it described what the manner of happiness is. It boils down to four steps. I related it to myself and here's how all four steps brought me happiness:

1.Hearken unto his words.
      Before I came on a mission my professor in college challenged us to read the Book of Mormon for 20 minutes every day. I took the challenge and only missed one day the whole semester. It is the reason why I am on a mission. It is the reason I had the strength to leave my family and walk into the MTC on March 13. Without it, I would not have had the faith. It is the reason why I am happy today and every day.

2.Keep the Commandments
      Looking back and going through elementary and high school I always was the happiest when I was obedient to my parents, both on heaven and on earth. Now on my own I have many "darn, mom was right" moments that make me appreciate the lesson's I have learned on the importance of obedience. Always hearken to the counsel from your father above.

      Someone told me growing up that a blank mind is a blank stage that the devil can put on any act that he desires. However when we keep the stage full, he has no time to put on his acts. Out here on a mission we fill every single hour of every single day with plans. I learned that the best way to get over something hard, is to work at it! or just simply work!

4.Kept the temple in their sights
      I had the privilege of working in the temple right before I came out on my mission. Once a week I would spend all of my morning working in the temple. I found I had more strength than I ever had to fight against the onslaughts of the evil one. Now on a mission I can't attend as often, but as I do I find my view shift daily to  become more Christlike and to truly feel an enduring conversion to a happier way of living. The temple is sacred and special, as you allow it to change your schedule, it will change your life!

The devil wants us to be miserable, don't allow him to win. When we think of the power he truly has compared to the power our loving Heavenly Father has, he's rather pathetic.

Don't let him deceive you, look towards the light.

Always ask yourself, am I happy?

Because we're meant to be.

In the name of the one who brings everlasting Joy to my life, Jesus Christ, Amen.



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