Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Power of God

"The Priesthood is the power and authority that God gives to man to act in all things necessary for the salvation of God’s children."

The Priesthood is the result of the restoration of the true church of Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, on this earth once again. It makes baptism into our church a key to salvation and allows to have a prophet of God, President Thomas S. Monson, to guide and direct Christ's church on this earth today. 

 God allows us, his children, to hold the priesthood and be able to act "all things necessary for the salvation of God's children."

I recently had the opportunity to do just that!

There is a sister that has decided to get baptized and the only thing in her way is her addiction to smoking. 

Having faith, she asked us to give her a priesthood blessing for strength to be able to overcome this addiction.

Walking in to her house she mentioned that she really had an urge for a cigarette and it was taking all of her will power not to go outside and satisfy the addiction. 

Through the authority of the priesthood we pronounced a blessing upon her.

Immediately following she said in amazement that she had "No desire for a cigarette."

The priesthood is real and truly is the power of God.

There are countless stories of miracles that have been wrought through the power and authority that God blesses his children with that they may serve others.

Seek the power and authority of God, allow it to bless your life, and have the faith to ask for it's power in your life when you feel that desire.

Those who hold the priesthood, always strive to be worthy, always be ready to be God's instrument in his composition of salvation in his children's lives. 

I say all of these things with a testimony of it's truth and power, in the name of he who wrought many miracles with the same divine power, Jesus Christ, Amen. 
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