Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Trusting Completely

Following the promptings of the spirits are eternally important, and he speaks to each of us in a unique way.

We need to heed these followings and follow them immediately.

Recently, we were driving down main street and I saw that a concert was being played at the stage and I felt for some reason we should go.

The music was not going to be approved for missionaries, is it really a good use of our time to go and watch a concert?

It made no sense.

I spoke up and found that my companion felt the same. We parked then walked and sat down with the spectators.

Immediately we were noticed by a ward member who used to be a mission president, if anybody knew we weren't supposed to be here he would!

We found a seat next to one of our investigators. Shortly after we sat down she got up and left us there alone.

It made no sense why we were here.

A man next to me leans over and asks if we were Jehovah Witnesses. We answered no and it turned into a half hour conversation about the church. We were able to share the restoration and a message about the priesthood power that has been restored to this earth! He seemed very interested and gladly agreed to meet with us again.

We were supposed to be there, even though it made no sense at that time.

The Holy Ghost is always whispering in our ear, but are we tuned in?

Are we willing to listen even though it may make no sense?

Now always check a prompting with what you know is true in the scriptures. Always pay attention to how you feel as you carry out the prompting. The Holy Ghost will give assuring nudges as we take the steps towards the direction it brings us in.

The more we heed to the promptings the more the Lord can trust in us and the more the Lord can edify us as we become instruments in his hands.

Heed the promptings and act on His will.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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